
You’ve listed your house for sale, so now it is time to show off your lovely home and all of your hard work. As the Clash sang in 1982, “Should I stay or should I go?” Let’s go over the tactics of showing your home to prospective buyers?

Some estate agents may tell you the ideal person to show your home is you. “After all, you know your home better than most.” Others believe that viewers should be accompanied at all times by an agent.

However, buyers frequently feel uneasy being accompanied by the seller as they are unable to express their true opinions of the home. Remember, a potential buyer needs to feel relaxed and at home. They need to feel this might be their home!

Both strategies are valid yet experience suggests:

Your agent should do the initial viewing

They have years of experience selling homes. After all that is what you are paying for with the commission fee. They will have received training in listening for buying signs and able to respond with professionalism and competence. This makes sure that your buyer is at ease and happy to communicate opinions and feedback to your agent.

Even though your agent should show up early for the viewing, it’s incredibly useful if you get your house “view ready”. A cosy ambience can be created by turning on lamps, turning on the central heating if necessary, lighting a fire if you have one, and possibly lighting some candles. This is crucial if, as is sometimes the case, your viewers arrive early and surprise your agent.


Once your home looks its best and your agent has arrived, it’s time to leave. Until the viewers have departed, go for a dog walk, stop by your favourite coffee shop, or just pop over to your neighbour’s house. As soon as the viewing is finished and it is safe to return, make sure your agent has your mobile number information so they may call you. Alternatively, leave them a note with directions on how to get out of the house and what to do with the key so you may return when you’re ready.

It’s helpful to be present when viewers want a second viewing. However there are a few exceptions to this rule: if only one family member has already seen it, treat any subsequent viewing for the remaining family as a firstand absent yourself.

The other consideration is perhaps more challenging to evaluate impartially as the seller. Keep yourself out of the way if you or your lifestyle appear fundamentally different from that of your potential buyer. As an example, If you’re married and in your seventies, and your viewer is a bachelor in his twenties, you might find it hard to connect on any level. As a result, he might be unable to “identify” with your home and see himself in it.

Converse with your estate agent, and agree a plan of action.

Your second viewing technique

If none of the aforementioned situations apply, make sure your home is set up carefully as previously to enable the agent to invite potential buyers inside and give them a follow up tour.

Time your return around for about half-hour after they arrived. If they are serious about purchasing your home the chances are they will still be there. When you arrive, introduce yourself before offering them a tea or coffee. Agree that with your agent and if the viewing is going well, the agent leaves, on the pretext of needing to attend another viewing.

Avoiding low offers

If all goes well, your viewers might now make an offer. They are far less likely to make a ridiculously low offer if they have already met you. Human nature and traditional English reserve mean buyers are often too embarrassed to run the risk of upsetting a seller you have just met by making a possibly offensive offer. Meeting your buyers will hopefully guarantee that negotiations get off to a positive start, with thoughtfulness and respect on both sides and a real desire to reach a compromise agreeable to both.

Handling Objections and Closing the Deal

One of the biggest challenges of selling a home is handling objections from prospective buyers and closing the deal. Estate agents have the experience and expertise to handle objections, and they know how to negotiate offers. They can help you get the best possible price for your home and ensure the sale process goes smoothly.

For example, if a prospective buyer raises an objection about the location or the size of your home, your estate agent can use their experience and knowledge to address their concerns and help them see the value in your property. They will also be able to provide guidance and support throughout the negotiation process, and they can help you close the deal quickly and efficiently.

And finally

You’ll feel more at ease having viewers over by planning a viewing strategy in advance with your estate agent, which should also increase the likelihood that your house will sell for the price you want.

We’d be delighted to chat with you about viewings on your home. How to proceed if you receive a lot of viewings but no offers or if you receive no views at all. We would love to assist you.

Send us an email at info@beeshomes.com or give us a call at 01323 332344 to let us know the best time for you.